

Random stuff is fun.

r = robyn, k = kat

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  1. the day the world turned flat (r)
  2. when marshmallows attack (k)
  3. when notebooks mate (k)
  4. nougat centered shoelace (r)
  5. skateboarding gone horribly wrong (r)
  6. omg biscuit (r)
  7. do you have some bacon? (r)
  8. kat doodle (k)
  9. My eye twitches (k)
  10. I'm russian! (k)
  11. luv meh (r)
  12. it gives me measles (k)
  13. the bottles won't stop laughing at me (k)
  14. my eyes float (k)
  15. my arms grew too much (r)
  16. spasm time (r)